Self-Portrait with Roses  oil on canvas  68” x 52”  3
 Self-Portrait as Radiant Host  oil on canvas  83” x 82”
 Self-Portrait as Random Perfect Being  oil on canvas  74” x 60”
 Self-Portrait with Fallen Necklace  oil on canvas  57” x 66”
Landscape with Fountain of Youth_ 1999_52 x 60 med-res.jpg
Self Portrait as Girlfriend at the Ready_1999_2008_44x60_hires.jpg
Self Portrait as Infantas holding court 1999_69.5x77.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Twins in Limbo I  oil on canvas  c. 68” x 52”
 Self-Portrait as Quarry  oil on canvas  70” x 68”
 Self-Portrait with Girlfriends at the Ready  oil on canvas  44” x 60”
 Self-Portrait as infanta Maria Teresa Dreaming Madame de Sade  oil on canvas  c 74” x 68”
 Self-Portrait as Great Scout Leader  oil on canvas  c 60” x 60”
 Self-Portrait as Great Scout Leader  oil on canvas  c 74” x 68”
Self Portrait as Infanta with Flies_1998_81 x 75.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Infantas at the Well  oil on canvas  68” x 66”
 MayDay  oil on canvas  43” x 66”
 Self-Portrait as Astyanax  oil on canvas  66” x 90”
Self Portrait as Infantas at the Hunt 1997 57x68.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Mother/Child  oil on canvas  c. 74” x 60”
 Self-Portrait as Infanta Maria Teresa Playing Coriolanus  oil on canvas  52” x 60”
Self Portrait as Wreck 1997 56 x 66.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Gourmand  oil on canvas   58” x 72”
Self Portrait Jumping Through Hoops_1997_36in diameter.jpg
 Self-Portrait as World Without Men in It  oil on canvas  c. 55” x 62”
Self Portrait Infanta Maria Teresa Playing Madame de Sade II_1995_47.5.jpg
 Self-Portrait with Attributes  oil on canvas  c. 52” x 68”
 Accumulated Self-Portrait #12  oil on canvas  11” x 12”
Accumulated Self portrait #2.jpg
 Self-Portrait as  Two-Headed Queen  oil on canvas  70” x 68”
Birth Painting
Childwith JewelSkirt.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Fallen Angel, oil on canvas, 68” x 70”
 Self-Portrait as Floating Market, oil on canvas, 50” x 68”
Girl In Pond with fire behind.jpg
 Impossible Marriage, oil on canvas, 50” x 120”
 Self-Portrait with Storm, oil on canvas, 52” x 60”
 Self-Portrait as Infanta with Dogs, oil on canvas, 60” x 52”
InfantaHoldingPile of Fish.jpg
KeithAbel painting.jpg
 Self-Portrait with Several Tiny Gods, oil on canvas, 68” x 66”
Strong Man.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Infantas, oil on canvas, 68” x 50”
Twins with Alligator.jpg
 Self-Portrait as Two-Headed Queen, oil on canvas, 62” x 50”
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