Self-Portrait as Budding Boy   oil on canvas  78” x 56”
 Self-Portrait as Boy in Flight  oil on canvas  52” x 68”
 Self-Portrait as Great Scout Leader  oil on canvas  72” x 54”
 Setting up Camp  oil on canvas  63” x 60”
 Detail Setting up Camp
 Self-Portrait as One Seeking Refuge  oil on canvas  68” x 66”
 Self-Portrait with Sentinel  oil on canvas  68” x 54”
 Self-Portrait Moving Out  oil on canvas  54” x 78”
 Great Leap  oil on canvas  c. 68” x 72”
 Tender Trapper  oil on canvas  66” x 60”
 Picking up the Pieces  oil on canvas  72” x 54”
 Self-Portrait as Peter the Great  oil on Metal  12” x 10”
 Lure  oil on canvas  18” x 24”
 Study for Millenium Burial Mound  oil on canvas
Self-Portrait Holding Up_2010_68x66.jpg
Self Portrait as Peter the great.jpg
 Study for Boy in Flight  oil on canvas  24” x 30”
 What’s Left  oil on canvas  16” x 24”
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